Thursday, 27 December 2012

West mute on 2-year Bahrain brutal crackdown

The Destabilization of Pakistan


By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research:
"Washington’s intent goes beyond the narrow objective of 'regime change'. The thrust of US foreign policy consists in weakening the central government and fracturing the country."

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

10 Predictions for 2013


By Activist Post

"This past year, 2012, was an eventful year. We had another Olympics, a U.S. presidential election, the warmest year on record, and lived through the Mayan apocalypse. However, many things did not occur that many of the trend seers predicted, especially dramatic events that made the boldest predictions."

US killing civilians in Pakistan

'US planned Syria meddling long ago'

'Persian Gulf Sheikhs unable to silence Bahrainis'

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Unlimited Imperialism and the Threat of WW3


By Francis Boyle, Global Research:
"It is the Unlimited Imperialists along the lines of Alexander, Rome, Napoleon and Hitler who are now in charge of conducting American foreign policy. The factual circumstances surrounding the outbreaks of both the First World War and the Second World War currently hover like twin  Swords of Damocles over the heads of all humanity."

Sunday, 23 December 2012

'West faces dangerous game choosing 'bad' vs 'acceptable' terrorism' - Lavrov

Torture, Torture Everywhere


By Andy Worthington, Global Research:
"For those of us who have been arguing for years that senior officials and lawyers in the Bush administration must be held accountable for the torture program they introduced and used in their 'war on terror', last week was a very interesting week indeed. There were developments in Strasbourg, in London, and in Washington, D.C., that all pointed towards the impossibility of the torturers’ being able to escape accountability forever."

'Neo-Nazism on the rise in EU'

Iran warns against WW3

Mary & the birth of Jesus in Islam

Mary & the birth of Jesus in Islam - an introduction (extract from an ITV documentary)

"The Muslim Jesus" - the full ITV documentary
(On the documentary)

"Saint Mary" - the Iranian film mentioned by the ITV documentary
(On the film)


Dear Muslim sisters & brothers:
For the sake of Islam, the film "Saint Mary" should be widely spread among Latin Americans. For their worldview confers a major role to the mother of Jesus. Ex.: many Latin American countries, like Brazil, hold her as their official 'patroness' - a kind of heavenly guardian. Therefore, this film should be as well translated to Spanish and Portuguese immediately. No doubt, it would surprise and touch Latin Americans deeply, attracting them to Islam.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Prevent WW3: Civil Resistance Sole Way to Stop US Government Aggression


By Sherwood Ross

UN Defends NATO’s Premeditated Genocide in Syria


By Tony Cartalucci, Global Research:
"As long-planned sectarian bloodbath unfolds, UN deceitfully labels atrocities as “reprisals'.
"The sectarian genocide in Syria was purposefully engineered by Western policy makers, and now is willfully covered up, spun, and excused by the UN and the Western mass media alike."

Who are you? I'm Syrian with all the pride!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

The Mayan 2012 Prophecy: “Made in America” Doomsday


By Prof Michel Chossudovsky:
"While World public attention is riveted on the “Mayan apocalypse”, the “Real Crisis” which is affecting humanity is not an object of  serious debate. The Pentagon’s “long war” combined with a murky scenario of  global impoverishment and economic breakdown is not front page news."

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The Zionist Story

'US Mid-East blunder a lesson not to start WW3 with Iran'

Zionist Lobby, Money and the US Politics

Imam Hussein stood against tyranny

Saudi Arabia revolution to ruin NATO's Syria plans: Webster Tarpley

Imminent Monetary System Collapse - Sheikh Imran Hosein

"9/11 Revisited" Conference, Kuala Lumpur - Michel Chossudovsky

9/11 Conspiracy Solved

US Pushing for Fascist Regime in Egypt

Bahrain is a Closed Society and the West is on the Same Path

After Middle East, US To Target Russia & China

Ragged Revolution: Post-Arab Spring anger mounts 2 years on

Dangerous Crossroads: Russia-US Confrontation in Syria?


By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

NATO, Israelis sole beneficiaries of Lebanese insecurity: Webster Tarpley

'Obama, Romney push Zionist policies'

Libya in turmoil 1 year after Gaddafi's murder

Pakistan & Russia: Important Shift In South & Central Asia


Stop NATO - "Pakistan and Russia: imperatives of bilateral cooperation", by Dr. Rashid Ahmad Khan:

"The two countries have quietly been building a mutual relationship for the last few years through bilateral as well as multilateral contacts at the highest levels. Pakistan’s status as an observer state in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) has provided it with an important opportunity to have interaction with the top Russian leadership."

Monday, 22 October 2012

Week in Review


The Nobel “Peace” Prize and the Truth About War

Lebanon Bombing: Impetus for US-NATO Planned Sectarian War


By Tony Cartalucci, Global Research:
"It was, starting at least in 2007, the goal of the US, Saudis, and Israelis to trigger a region wide sectarian war with which to overrun the governments of Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. This was documented in detail in Seymour Hersh’s 2007 New Yorker article, 'The Redirection' which was covered in depth in, 'Syrian War: The Prequel'."

The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research:
"Recent developments in Syria and Lebanon point to military escalation, namely the evolution towards a broader regional war, which has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon since 2004.
"The borders of Syria and Lebanon are surrounded.  British and US troops are stationed in Jordan,  The Turkish High Command in liaison with NATO is providing military support to the Free Syrian Army.  Allied naval forces are deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean."

The Real Reason America Is Drifting Towards Fascism


By Washington's Blog, Global Research:
"Ultimately, we are drifting towards fascism because the majority of people aren’t standing up for ourselves. We are letting the authoritarians have their way.
"The good news is that the longest-running sociological study ever shows that only 25% of people are authoritarians. And most people are not psychopaths."

Israel beginning to lose international support

NATO's Global Expansion - Rick Rozoff on GRTV

Who could be behind Lebanon's terrorist blast?

'US uses Middle East as training ground for future conflicts'

Israel, Syria, Iraq: Who benefits from the Beirut blast?

Thursday, 11 October 2012

War against Christianity & Islam


By Wayne Madsen:

"However, as churches in Israel, Palestine, Russia, and Europe, as well as mosques throughout the world come under attack by arsonists, graffiti artists, and vandals, it is important to point out that it is the Christo-Islamic tenets that are under attack by Israel and those who serve Israel’s interests."

'US sanctions on Iran aim at regime change by making civilians suffer'

Turkey's interception of Syria-bound plane an act of war OKed by US: Don Debar

What is behind the closed doors of Washington lobbyists?

Chossudovsky: Western Countries Sabotage Syria Peace Plans

Syria, Turkey, Israel & the Greater Middle East Energy War


Global Research - By F. William Engdahl:
"The battle for the future control of Syria is at the heart of this enormous geopolitical war and tug of war. Its resolution will have enormous consequences for either world peace or endless war and conflict and slaughter. NATO member Turkey is playing with fire as is Qatar’s Emir, along with Israel’s Netanyahu and NATO members France and USA. Natural gas is the flammable ingredient that is fueling this insane scramble for energy in the region."

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Ahmadinejad's Speech At UN - September 2012

9/11 & global domination - Chossudovsky

Broader Than Syria: US Plans For Greater Middle East Dominance From Morocco To Pakistan

Black gold backs Chavez vision vilified by West

Economic genocide looms across US: Webster Tarpley

US attempts to set stage for NATO intervention in Syria: Mark Dankof

21st Century Socialism: Anti-poverty course behind Chavez victory

Israel may strike Iran without US: Geoffrey Roberts

Iran Is Already Under Attack: Corbett Report

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar on the Arab Spring

Chossudovsky: Turkey Already Waging War on Syria

Sheikh Imran Hosein on the current affairs

Saturday, 15 September 2012

The Chilean 9/11: a forgotten tale — Farooq Yousaf


The Faultlines - By Farooq Yousaf:

"Thinking of 9/11, scenes of chaos in 2001 — of the Twin Towers plane crashes, the Pentagon crash and havoc in the US — come to our minds, but unfortunately, the world has forgotten another important event in world history that not only shook Chile but also a major part of South America.
"It was the same date, September 11, in 1973 that the Chilean President, Salvador Allende, was overthrown by an army general, Augusto Pinochet, with the presidential palace bombarded on Pinochet’s orders. Allende died resisting Pinochet’s men and Chile, along with five other South American states, entered into a phase of tyranny and oppression."

Papal visit to Lebanon: A message for the Middle East

Anti-Islam movie work of CIA Mormons, Zionists: Tarpley

US, Israel seek Mideast destabilization: Peter Eyre

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Dagestan: ’Syria comes to Russia...’


Voltaire Network - by F. William Engdahl

"The assassination of the most respected Sufi religious leader in Dagestan, Russia’s volatile Caucasus, comes as Salafist jihadists in Libya murder a US Ambassador who was actually a key player in ousting Gaddafi and bringing the Salafist Muslim Brotherhood and Jihadists into power. Throughout the entire Islamic world today, a wave of hate is being unleashed in the name of Islamic fundamentalism that could bring a new world war. This is the consequence of the Greater Middle East Project put in play in 2010 and earlier by circles in Washington, London and Tel Aviv."

Greater Middle East: 33 Years Of US Backing Terrorism, Regime Change


Stop NATO, RT:

"The so-called Arab Spring has come full circle: newly liberated Libya, which just passed through a brutal civil war that pitted pro-Gaddafi forces against a Western-backed opposition, is responsible for the death of an envoy whose country contributed to the Libyan ‘liberation.’
"Putin stressed…that the violence that we are now witnessing has its roots back in 1979 when the United States trained rebels to fight against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Those fighters, under the leadership of Osama bin Laden, went on to become al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization that Russia warned made up part of the Libyan opposition."

Nuclear Iran, jittery Israel, expensive oil: 'Risks too high!'

Andrew Bacevich's "Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War"

Washington’s double-take at the Non-Aligned Movement revival

By Thierry Meyssan:
"The opening of the Summit was the occasion for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to publicly give advice to the United states: free yourself of Israeli influence, defend your own interests and cease discrediting yourself by your support for Israeli crimes. Like an echo, General Martin Dempsey, head of the Joint Chiefs, responded to him several hours later during a press conference in London. Denouncing as impossible Israel’s proclaimed intentions to bomb Iranian nuclear sites, he announced that if Tel-Aviv went forward, he would hope that Washington would not be an accomplice to this crime. For the first time since the Suez expedition in 1956, a high U.S. official is warning that the U.S. will refuse to support future Zionist adventures.
"In announcing in this fashion a strategic change, Washington is registering this new state of affairs and acknowledging the reappearance on the international scene of Iran and the Non-Aligned Movement."

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

'Zionists masterminded, co-plotted 9/11 attacks'

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

Assange Lawyer: Innocent man persecuted, US war crimes unpunished

On 9/11 Doubts Were Immediate


Global Research - By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:
"Washington‟s explanation of the attack implied a security failure too massive to be credible. Such a catastrophic failure of national security would mean that the US and Western Europe were never safe for one second during the Cold War, that the Soviet Union could have destroyed the entire West in one undetected fell swoop."

US homelessness & poverty at an alarming high

Friday, 7 September 2012

9/11, Bin Laden & the Tyranny of the Corporate Media


Global Research - by Prof. James F. Tracy:

"This essay originally appeared on September 21, 2001 in my Daily Iowan column, 'Firing Line'. The piece uses George Orwell’s 1984 as a basis to suggest how from the very beginning the corporate media played a central role in setting the stage for the prevalent Osama bin Laden-Al Qaeda myth, the related 'blowback' thesis vigorously embraced by the progressive-left community, and the assemblage of rearguard actions defending such perspectives and reflexively labeling all accounts conflicting with government pronouncements as 'conspiracy theories'.”

Has Palestine lost its priority for the Arab world?

US Sponsored “Islamic Fundamentalism”: The Roots of the US, Wahhabi Alliance


Global Research - by Benjamin Schett:
"The alliance between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia helped spread the ideology of fundamentalist Sunni Islam all over the globe. The majority of its victims are not citizens of Western countries, but citizens of countries that U.S. elites consider a threat to their economic and geopolitical interests. Many victims of Sunni extremism (often called Wahhabism or Salafism[1]) are in fact Muslims (often with a secular leftist or nationalist political background), moderate Sunni or members of Shiʿite Islamic faith."

Perpetual War


Global Research - by John Scales Avery:
"Because the world spends roughly a trillion dollars each year on armaments, it follows that very many people make their living from war. This is the reason why it is correct to speak of war as a social, political and economic institution, and also one of the main reasons why war persists, although everyone realizes that it is the cause of much of the suffering of humanity."

John Avery received a B.Sc. in theoretical physics from MIT and an M.Sc. from the University of Chicago. He later studied theoretical chemistry at the University of London, and was awarded a Ph.D. there in 1965. He is now Lektor Emeritus, Associate Professor, at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen. Fellowships, memberships in societies: Since 1990 he has been the Contact Person in Denmark for Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. In 1995, this group received the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts. He was the Member of the Danish Peace Commission of 1998. Technical Advisor, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe (1988- 1997). Chairman of the Danish Peace Academy, April 2004.

'West climbs debt mountain, vital Russia looks East' - Andrey Kostin, President of Russia's second largest bank

US debt tops $16 trillion

Putin first post-inauguration interview

West "adventure" in Syria may backfire in face of the world by WW3: Engdahl

Israel: The enemy within?

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Next stop Syria and then Iran

The Liberal Way to Run the World: “Improve” or We’ll Kill You


By John Pilger:
"What is the world’s most powerful and violent 'ism'? The question will summon the usual demons, such as Islamism, now that communism has left the stage. The answer, wrote Harold Pinter, is only 'superficially recorded, let alone documented, let alone acknowledged,' because only one ideology claims to be non-ideological, neither left nor right, the supreme way. This is liberalism."

Iran's NAM Presidency: What Now?


Fars News Agency:
"Despite the deceitful approach by Western media, or the prejudiced and lopsided statements by Western politicians about Iran's position in the international community, Iran's three-year presidency of the NAM is indeed a remarkable opportunity in the bid to reshape the global governance and make it more democratic."

How the FSA Massacred Citizens of Daraya

West seeks destruction of Syria: Chossudovsky



Everything that there is to know about the matter: a picture far more choking than that shown by the mainstream media. Authentic scientific journalism, the opinion of the experts, the main pertinent historic documents, videos (“Fahrenheit 911” included), and initiatives: a complete review.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Why America & Israel Are the Greatest Threats to Peace


By Noam Chomsky:

"Why then is Iran the greatest threat to world peace, as seen in official Western discourse? The primary reason is acknowledged by U.S. military and intelligence and their Israeli counterparts: Iran might deter the resort to force by the United States and Israel.
"Furthermore Iran must be punished for its 'successful defiance', which was Washington's charge against Cuba half a century ago, and still the driving force for the U.S. assault against Cuba that continues despite international condemnation."

Syria to the new UN envoy

The Real Hunger Games: Big Commodity Traders Control World Grain Market

'Israeli lobby will win US Presidential election'

Prison Industrial Complex in America

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Saddam Hussein - The Trial you will never see

Syria: "The Brahimi Plan" - by Thierry Meyssan


Voltaire Network:
"The Western press is saluting the audacity of Lakhdar Brahimi for having picked up the gauntlet by accepting to replace Kofi Annan as Special Representative of the Secretary Generals of both the United Nations and the Arab League in Syria. However, according to Thierry Meyssan, the truth of the matter is starkly different. Given the current failure of outright regime change in Damascus, this NATO confidence man has been entrusted with the task of unleashing all-out civil war in Syria."

'Military attack on Iran suicidal for Israel'

After Tehran NAM Summit, Who is Isolated?

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Syria: "Manufacturing Dissent" - by Lizzie Phelan & Mostafa Afzalzadeh

US Homeland Security's Deadly Ammo Plan

NAM: breaking Western stranglehold of power


By Ismail Salami:

"A new world order is taking shape. In this new world order, imperialism starts to vanish and the idea of mounting military expeditions under the banner of combating terrorism or dictating western democracy soon evaporates. This idea may be a far cry from the reality but it is not an impossibility. It can be turned into a reality thanks to the power issuing from the collective efforts of all nations. This is exactly what the US-led West fears most and what the world needs most: a united nations will to fly in the face of the wrong and second the right."

Non-Aligned Movement conference in Tehran - full review

Thursday, 30 August 2012

I saw rebels beheading men for religion: Christian Cleric Mother Agnes Mariam

'NAM summit plays with US, Israel nerves'

Khamenei's inaugural speech at NAM


"Current global conditions provide the Non-Aligned Movement with an opportunity that might never arise again. Our view is that the control room of the world should not be managed by the dictatorial will of a few Western countries. It should be possible to establish and ensure a participatory system for managing international affairs, one that is global and democratic. This is what is needed by all the countries that have been directly or indirectly harmed as a result of the transgression of a few bullying and hegemonic countries."

Israeli Settler Violence as Terrorism

Wahhabis, Salafists - Sheik Imran Hosein

Rachel Corrie: 'Israelis continue ignoring justice'

'NAM summit a direct challenge to US hegemony in region'

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

The Western Onslaught Against International Law


By Paul Craig Roberts:

"A new film, “Compliance,” examines “the human desire to follow and obey authority.” Liberal institutions, such as the media, universities, federal courts, and human rights organizations, which have traditionally functioned as checks on the blind obedience to authority, have in our day gone over to power’s side. The subversion of these institutions has transformed them from checks on power into servants of power. The result is the transformation of culture from the rule of law to unaccountable authority resting on power maintained by propaganda."

'NAM must help redefine UNSC structure'

Rachel Corrie: real footage of death

"Another US-led soldier has been killed in Afghanistan"

'NAM summit: Iran diplomatic triumph'

'Kid or adult - IDF makes no difference in Palestine'

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Risking Nuclear Armageddon


by Stephen Lendman:

"Irresponsible leaders risk the unthinkable. Media scoundrels cheerlead mindlessly. So do neocon think tanks. Ordinary people are more concerned about mundane trivia than survival.
"Nero didn’t fiddle while Rome burned. The violin wasn’t invented for another 1,500 years. Today’s officials go where earlier ones wouldn’t dare. They risk regional or global disaster. War on Syria and/or Iran may ignite more than leaders bargain for."

150 NAM Countries Head to Iran Despite Western Pressure

'Iran's destruction - ultimate purpose of West' - Kris Janssen

Monday, 20 August 2012

The paradox of our time

US media display biased against Muslims

Unstoppable Economic Collapse Is Imminent

Foreknowledge of 9/11 by Western Intelligence Agencies


"Global Research Editor's Note
"As September approaches, we are reminded that the anniversary of the tragic events of 9/11 will soon be upon us once again. 11 years laters, are we any closer to the truth about what really happened on that fateful day? 
"For the next weeks until September 11, 2012, we will be posting on a daily basis important articles from our early archives pertaining to the tragic events of 9/11. 
"The following text by Michael C. Ruppert published more than ten years ago in May 2002 points unequivocally to foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks by German Intelligence.
"Michel Chossudovsky, August 21, 2012"

At the Eid Prayers, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution warns of plot against Muslims

Deadly US drone strikes: Who is the target?

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Asian friend trend: India + China = common outlooks on global policies

How the latest teenager was martyred in Bahrain

The plan for a New World Order stumbles on geopolitical realities


Voltaire Network - by Imad Fawzi Shueibi:
"For four centuries, political leaders have tried to create an international order that governs relationships between nations and prevents wars. While the principle of state sovereignty has yielded results, intergovernmental organizations have mainly reflected the prevailing balance of power. As for the ambitious U.S. New World Order, it is being shattered by new geopolitical realities.'
The full article 

Al Saud & the West - documentary

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Ending of Empire is in Process and will Continue to be Violent


Strategic Culture Foundation - By  Jim Miles: 
"On the positive side, for future generations, their lives will be the new normal, a world to be accommodated to in order to live and survive as humanity has always done. Perhaps for many of the currently dispossessed it will be better and brighter as new paradigms come into play and old powers lose influence around the world."

'Rebel atrocities strengthen Assad, turn Syrians off opposition'

Dr. Annemarie Schimmel on Rumi